Women's Hope Center

We will walk with you


Through God’s Mercy and Grace, Women’s Hope Center seeks to transform our society by spreading the Gospel and showing the overflowing love of God.

Our Mission

Crisis Pregnancy Counseling

We provide support to women who are in a crisis due to unexpected pregnancies.

House of

We help beside mothers to raise their children and provide a safe house for them to stay. 


We show the love of God to mothers and help them become independent.


We provide education on the value of life to mothers and children in our local community.

Baby bottle campaign

The Baby Bottle Campaign is a fundraising campaign where individuals put spare changes in the baby bottle and donate it to mothers and babies who are at risk. To be specific, the funds raised from the campaign will be used as a general fund for mothers and babies in Women’s Hope Center.

How to donate

If you resonate with our cause and would like to support our endeavor to help mothers and children who are at risk, you can donate to 
KB Bank: 640437-04-001034
Account holder: 여성소망센터
(Women’s Hope Center)
For more information please refer to our donation page. Furthermore, if you are interested in our work you can refer to our video on the right.  

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